
I'm Alessandra and in 2017 I madly fell in love with event planning.

So, after a bachelor degree in Public Relations, one in Brand Management and a few years working as a Marketing and Communication professionals for companies my path has naturally crossed with the wedding planning industry. I became a girl boss and started Le Petit O guiding many Italian and foreigner couples toward their "I dos" since then.

What to know about me? I'm fascinated by unexpected finesse and good manners, I have a passion for vintage and I'm an incurable romantic. Of course, I'm also a control-freak but I also believe that real beauty lies in the simplicity of little things.


I'm Lucia, always on point by nature and enthusiast by choice.

My role in Le Petit O is being part of the wedding planning process and supportive to couples in the months prior to their "I do". I always have my agenda with me, an answer for your questions and a smile for everyone.


I'm an analytical mind, a practical problem solver and a budgeting champion.

I'm in charge of the behind-the-scenes planning, directing the team and time-managing. My superpower is to always make ends meet and I truly believe there is a solution for every problem.

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